Based on analysis and findings the following recommendations can be considered for “recovery plans’:
a) Still 50% of the people are in need of food and/or basic needs so “Cash transfer” [unconditional and/or conditional] is the best option in given situation, mainly the markets are functioning well and food prices are stable at this time. However in the cases where remoteness, security or other organizational challenges become crucial the “rice distribution” can be an option. It is important to note that rainy season [July to Oct] is falling in project cycle where not much work can be done, there are not many small infrastructures available, the community is not used to do non-farm labour and further there will be lack of skills for specialized infrastructure repairs, which shall be thoroughly analyzed before thinking of “cash for work” option to be proposed.
b) There is significant need of Rice seeds for upcoming season hence it is vital for XXX to consider rice seed distribution as major activity in this proposal, however it is important to note that from learning’s from other organizations and ECHO lesson learned workshop we have noticed that “rice seed” supply particularly the quality rice seed supply can be very challenging in given context so utmost care has to be taken in “rice seed” activities.
c) There are few small infrastructures need repairs, which can be covered under Conditional cash transfer [Cash for Work] option, or even “food for work” can also be considered where remoteness or other factors are challenging.
d) It is observed that the open wells are low height and gets flooded every time where significant amount of money has to be invested in every flooding so looking at longer term DRR integration it is wiser to invest in raising the wells and provide the concrete platform around the base so these well will last for longer term and stay intact in future disaster, there are on an average 10-12 wells per village requires such upgradation.
e) From various communities meeting [WASH FGD] the clear needs of repairing of road came out and the length varies from 150 meter to 2500 meter which can be covered under “cash for work” activities.
f) Many respondents on two districts of Prey veng mentioned about canal repair as the 3rd most priority however we came to know that canal is 35 km long so it is a big infrastructure which may fall outside of the NGO capacity so it is not included in this recommendations.
g) It seems that disaster preparedness activities can bring bigger impact in future hence certain DRR activities especially “early warning system”, “contingency plan” shall be part of recovery program.
h) There will be election in June and “election protocol” will be in place from last week of may. So basically 3-4 weeks were very lean where beneficiaries’ selection or other work cannot be done which may have impact on project cycle because from June 3rd week the monsoon season will set. Further in plight of election the use of “cash grants” need to be carefully handled
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