Monday, 26 October 2009

Assessment findings for Kampong Thom District

[Getting ready for assessment]

General conclusion:

è The flooding is not new to Cambodia and problems related to flooding remained same over the years however this year the impact on vulnerable population is magnified due to the flood lasted longer and reached to the places where it never reached in last 15-17 years.

è The flood has aggravated the perennial-recurrent issues and this can be addressed well by long term support including some good DRR work in WATSAN sector.

è The poverty, lack of resources, poor governance, poor infrastructure and geographical disadvantaged have put this area in most vulnerable condition for past few years which is coupled with climate change as the flooding and erratic rainfall can be seen as evidence.

è The water sources are mainly River, Hand pumps, open wells and rain water harvesting structures.

è Most of the people are depended on river as a main source of water for drinking and other domestic usage for human as well as animals.

è The river carried all sorts of impurities, fecal coli forms due to human and animal excreta disposal in river, bio waste [dead animals], chemical impurities from rice field [manure residues, pesticides etc]. So water quality is extremely poor and mass population is at the risk of public health threat/ water born diseases. This issue further intensified due to poor hygiene practices.

è The reach of govt in terms of water quality related intervention is not seen on field [except in one village where ADB have joint water supply project with MoRD.] Oxfam and world vision have reached to these communities with some water filters and NFI support in recent years. So mainly the population in not well supported.

è The minimum coordination among various stack holders is observed during this assessment time.

è The latrines are not many, people do recognize the importance of the latrine but due to poverty they cant afford construction of latrines. They are living on day to day income and no spare money they have for latrines.

è The area from middle to up stream of Stung Tseng river the locations we chose are having serious arsenic and iron impurities hence the new source [well and tube wells] shall be taken with utmost care. More data collection and research shall be done in this regards.

Water Quantity:

è The water sources are mainly river, Hand pumps , open wells and rain water harvesting structures; the team hardly could see a serious problem related to quantity of water; however considering limitations of logistic, local skills, time frame, arsenic problems it is difficult to suggest for new source creation like wells and HP. We may look in to details of geo-hydrological details available for the area and then with multi stack holder we may make a call for new wells or hnad pumps where the arsenic / iron is serious concerns.

è The shallow wells and Rain water harvesting for high ground / evacuation places/schools is a good option to think of; this may serve as good evacuation place for future flooding. However this will only provide support to community during flooding conditions; the issues related to water quality during normal year remains.

è In Chrang Krahom village where we have seen broken piped water system can be taken up for repairs and ensuring safe water supply to all households.

è The place where ADB is installing water system some of the most poor family could not be connected as they have to contribure 15-16 USD [one time contribution] so we may think of providing some support to most poor/ most vulnerable in this case.

è During our visit we didn’t came across the “evacuation centre” however if it the case in other areas we can construct “Rain water harvesting structure”

Water Quality:

There are multiple suggestions for improving the quality of the water on a long term basis.

è The provision of portable domestic water filter can solve the problem to the great extent and can show us amazing results towards the Public Health improvement over long run.

è Provision of NFI for “HH safe water storage” and “handling potable water” shall be useful in this case.

è Demarcation of “drinking water” area for the village could help people to get “reasonably better water”. This shall be coupled with great community involvement and mobilization work.

è Construction of animal trough / drinking area for animal would help in reducing water contamination to some extent.

è Construction of communal bathing and toilets can further reduce the contamination.

è Construction of community water supply system [river intake, sedimentation, filtration, treatment, storage and distribution] can be the best long lasting solution in this case.

è Thru hygiene promotion we shall ensure “good water related hygiene practices”; especially “boiling water” and ‘”safe handling”.

è We may think of distribution of “halogen tablets/ chlorine tablets” to be used during “flood period”; this activity shall be coupled with hygiene promotion.

è Disinfection of wells / sources is not recommended due to high turbidity and iron/arsenic impurities problem.

è shall coordinate with MoRD/UNICEF/ MoH for the detailed report of the geo-hydrology for demarcation of area which falls under “serious” arsenic problem. Once data on hand we may look forward to abandoning the contaminated sources, creating public awareness about the “threats of arsenic” and use of those sources.


è The coordination in general and particularly for WATSAN is seriously lacking at district and provincial level, among iNGOs ; we can play a big role in this section.


è If there is lack of documentation on arsenic and iron impurities in the captioned area; this is the opportunity to conduct a small geo-hydrological research of the area.

Capacity building of stack-holders:

è Partners: We are having long term partners for CSPPM program so we can pace our “recovery” program and implement trru partners to see some “emergency recovery capacity” been injected in their systems and staff.

è Govt counterpart: Government is lacking capacity in terms of skills, knowledge and finance so we can think of pitching programs thru “partner” + “govt” structures to enhance the capacity building of govt. UNICEF can also be taken on board to achieve better results in this regards. We may think of organizing the technical trainings on “water quality”; providing them some “equipments” etc.

The team:

Disaster Recovery Assessment 20-25 oct 2009- village2

we completed the assessment by 1:00 and started journey to go to next vilalge..

we have to drive for 45 min or so and then 45-60 min by boat to reach to next village....Chrang khrom..

we reached to the village and it was already 3:00 pm... the communication was so terrible from our side that villager thought we are coming at 10:00 am.... so they were waiting from 10:00.. my GOD!!!!!! i was ashamed ....

the only place where we can sit and talk was the patch of broken road.. only 50-70 mt. long....

there were hundreds of villagers came to see us... it was so good to see many people but difficult to handle in FGD [focus group discussion].
infect all our team members felt the same... we digged more and found that villagers have had expectation that we may distribute some material or so.. thats why every one came ... and they also felt obligation to answer our question to make sure they are present.....
we all decided in evening that from next village we will make sure that
1. our exact time of arrival
2. max. gropu of 40-50 ppl from village


there was a good FGD experience for this village too..

unfortunately females were more compared to males in group so it was no gender balanced group ......
if it was south asian country we have to ensure more women are part of FGD while here it is other way round..

Disaster Recovery Assessment 20-25 oct 2009- village1

After quick NFI distribution all 3 teams got together; reflected on learnings and experiences, there was a greater need of long term program as the flood this year has lasted longer then it usually.. the typhoon KETSANA and rainfall in vietnam has aggravated the flooding condition in river Stueng Seng and Mekong.

So we decided to run a "recovery needs assessment" from 20-25 oct.

we did pre-assessment planning on 19th oct; discussed whole day about purpose/ objectives/ tools and guidelines for the assessment.

We have planned to look in to Publich Health and Food security -livelihood section for "recovery"

I was allocated for Kampong Thom District team.. with me Francis [Comms Oxfam-Quebec] , Phally [PHP-OGB], Sakha [Log-OGB], Khim [PC -OGB], Psareth [FSL- OX Aus].

We did through planning on 19th and started journey to KT [Kampong Thom] on 20th, arrived at 12;30 ..

straight on business... we got togehter and finalised our logistic plan for villages to visit and people to visit.

in the evening we visited PCDM [Provincial Council of Disaster Management] head.. he was good and explained many things to us. we requested him to send some people to join us on assessment mission.

he promised to send 3 person from MoH, MoRD, DM...

we were happy next day we had a schedule to start at 6:30 am.. it was too early for me... .. but i gathered courage and got ready by 6:20.. walked up to office.. surptisingly i was the first one.... :)

we took almost 45 min. more to gather the team.. we had two cars.. one from oxfam and one from "caritas" we had 2 people from "caritas cambodia" on board too..

we were still going around in KT town.. some one want to pack break fast.. Caritas want to fill the fuel... and other car went to pick up govt. officials..

finally govt. officials came at 8:30 am... just 2 hrs late..... so we could start our journey at 8:45..

we have had nasty road on the way.. broken, muddy, slippery.. .. our car s tucked twice...

finally we reached near to the first village..Kampong Svay and the assessment place chosen was Pagoda.. we had to take boat to go to pagoda.. 10 min. by boat...
so here we are .. in pagoda.. conducting assessment.

1. FGD [Focus Group Discussion]
2. water supply system by MoRd/ADB
3. FGD FSL [Focus Group Discussion] Food security and Livelihoon
4. Pagoda bell made from defused bomb shell

Sunday, 11 October 2009

distribution of NFI 11 oct 2009

- We arrived in ST.
- Our preceding team handed over the work to us
- they completed assessment of flood emergency and planned some NFI [non food items]
- the proposal is to cover 20 villages / 1328 families with first phase NFI [1 x 80 lit plastic water container, 1 x 15 lit plastic bucket, 1 x female saron, 1 x sanitary nap pack [10 naps], 1 x plastic sheet 3.5x 4 mt, 1 x sleeping mat]
- the plan was to cover all families in 6 days time..
- i was in one of the team which was suppose to go to krabai chaum village., accompained by Bunnath, Sareth, my village [NGO name] team.

- we had to split furhter after krabaichum and Bunnath has to go to furhter down on river side village.. so 2 team has to complete NFI for 152 families in a day.
- we took 1.5 hrs to travel 40 km from ST[ stung trey] on a bumpy, muddy, village road.. crossing rivers [sekong] two time.
-- here are some picture.

1. distribution--- 2. lunch with village chief :) -- 3. distribution team :)

Thursday, 8 October 2009

on the way to Stung Trey province of Cambodia

dt. 08/10
I woke up early got ready by 6:45 and on my BF table as Phally asked me to be ready by 7:00
he came by 7:15 and we started a beautiful journey to place called Stun Trey.. north east province of Cambodia where 4 river meets..
some of the picts on way:

My team and car :) bakery on way:)

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

First 2 days in Cambbodia

Dt. 06/10

Finally i am in cambodia.. Arrived comfortably after loooong journey.
Heathrow to Bangkok 12 hrs flight and then bangkok to Phnom Penh 1.10 hrs flight.
Oxfam Log/Adm Lady Ms. Linda was there on airport to welcome me with necessary paper to help me in my VSIA. She is very efficient, kind, intelligent and lovely lady.
She get me thru VISA/custom etc. and dropped me to hotel [Hotel Goldiana] ; on the way she briefed me nicely about many things including the security, log, program etc.
I also came to know that my counter part Mr. Johnston [PHP] already checked in and staying in the same hotel. I was excited to talk to him.
I hardly have had any motivation inside to take my dinner as i was too tired/ jet legged and already ate alot on flight ;)
I called Mr. Joshnston to come and see me in my room; he said he is coming... he took almost 1 hr ... i was getting bored and tired too....
he came and we colud talk for 40 min. or so.. very nice gentle man he is.. it was good sharing with him..
next day we had to go to office at 7:30 so promised each other to see down stair for break fast.
dt. 07/10

Next day i was ready by 7:30 car came to pick us up from hotel.. Mr. Johnston had to go to field today by 4:00 pm..
I set in office.. sharing table with my national counterpart Mr. Sokrit.
Mr. George were came [HPM] came in around 8:30.. he took me around the office to get introduced.. i met most of the staff..
then we had a small humanitarian staff meeting.. country director Mr. Kiko came in and joined us for a short while..
Mr, George was too good.. he kept the things flexible and gave us whole ground to play with just one instruction/advice of "improve the quality"..
i hardly have had any better induction on type / scale of emergency... no answer to the questions like...
how we are doing? what we are doing? what are the plans????
I could only understood that OXfam was quick this time and wokring on some NFI distribution.. so oxfam team were going for assessment and distribution was following the assessment..
Mr. George could however provide me some documents to read.. which was good induction..
during the day i could pick up an issue related to "water filter" .. we are distributing the water filter but running short of stock in market...
mr, george and myself started following .. i could came to know from Ms. Linda that she is using korean type filter and it is very useful.... George could talk to HPC in vietnam..
mean while some how this issue reached to Andy [Oxford] .. and he could talk to me elaboratelly..
he promised me to follow up on the options and immediately he could. it was already end of day for me .. so i called off with a note to andy that i will be bouncing on road tomo.. almost whole day .. but please keep me posted on my yahoo account and call me if he finds more information and expects any prompt action from here..
I had a nice buddy to help me and accompany me tomorrow .. His name is Mr. Phally he is Public Health Promotor.. very nice young man..

Phally could arrange all necessary things [bag, rain-coat, mate, mosquito repellent etc ] for me.. he also could arrange my "sim card" on a prompt note..
[. it was so unfortunate that OGB PHN was running sort of cell phones and could not give me one!!.. but at least on Phally's name i could buy one SIM card.. so i am connected with rest of world!!]..
mean while with our guard I could go to Ms. Linda's house to have a look and take picture of the filtre she is using..
i called off my day around 5:45 pm..
went back and enjoyed watching tv/dozing and talking over phone.


Friday, 2 October 2009

I am joining OXFAM Cambodia

Ahaaa... I was so touched by Indonesia tragedy and expressed that I will go and help indonsia.. surprisingly oxfam have come up with an offer for Cambodia..

The offered profile neither goes with my current profile or my choice ...

yes.. but Andy Convinced me ; he explained the context and all..... he advised me to take up the assignment and I am going to Cambodia... ..

I hope I will enjoy work.....

I am going with positive mind...

ohh yeah i will be boarding the plane on 5th Oct :) this is just for 3 months...!!!!

Wish me luck please!!